Originally Posted by blogtorank
Extra in the script, extra in the registration, extra in the profile "user cp options." A few extras in the MySQL, need more extras? LOL
Anyhow let us figure that one out and we'll surely get it pegged for you, because this is a registration thing you see? When they register for your forums they need to check the box on the optional area at the end if you use it, "Receive e-mails from admins." this extra opt for html or text, will be needed in there as a "Required" as per your needs you see?
Yeah, definitely not "as easy as 1-2-3", but something we will surely look into, at the least.
I'm a little surprised vBulletin doesn't already ask user's preference on this.
Anyway, adding this would require we went in and manually edited vBulletin files, which I like to stay away from as much as possible because then you have to:
A) Have a user overwrite his existing file, which could cause REAL trouble for users with different vB versions or for users who have edited that given file themselves before
B) Have a user manually edit the file, which is an inconvenience and is unprofessional in my opinion. One or two edits isn't a big deal, but the edits required on this scale would be a lot more astronomical.
Anyway, I will look into it and see if there's some way we can't make it an easier edit, maybe somewhere in their User CP or something, but at first glance, I'd say don't get your hopes up on this one.
EDIT: Was pondering this and began to wonder if it can't be done with the plugin system.
Will definitely look into this idea for v1.2 or 1.3.
Thanks for all the ideas, Church!