Originally Posted by ChurchMedia
But then there's no way for me to know who wants text and who wants HTML. I think HTML emails get a better response, so I'm not going to send out a text-only email. I prefer HTML. It would just be great to know that the 10% (or whatever) of my users that want text are getting it. Is it a hard option to include? My last emailer system had that feature. It would seem to be just an extra if conditional in the script...????
Extra in the script, extra in the registration, extra in the profile "user cp options." A few extras in the MySQL, need more extras? LOL
Anyhow let us figure that one out and we'll surely get it pegged for you, because this is a registration thing you see? When they register for your forums they need to check the box on the optional area at the end if you use it, "Receive e-mails from admins." this extra opt for html or text, will be needed in there as a "Required" as per your needs you see?