Originally Posted by ChurchMedia
After looking this over, I have a few things for the wish-list:
- I'd like to be able to choose which usergroups to send to.
- I LOVE the bounced email feature -- I'd like to be notified of which users bounced and I'd like the option to selectively delete those users.
- I'd like a separate user setting for if users want an email or not. So they can turn that on and off in their user CP.
- I also need (actually have to have by law) an unsubcription link.
- I didn't see a way to delete a future emailing after you've created it. I think that needs to be in there.
Those are things I can think of right now. I REALLY like the auto-features in this script. It's going to make my life a lot easier.
Agree with all this
I want also to choose wich users to send the letter, depending on custom fields value