Hi there - I'm hoping some helpful member of this community can assist me. I have one install of vBulletin with two sub-forums, each with unique templates, and each serving a different community.
Smartphone Thoughts:
Zune Thoughts:
The problem is that when a reader of either site clicks on NEW POSTS (
http://forums.thoughtsmedia.com/search.php?do=getnew) inside their community forum, they get shown a list of all new posts from across both forums. Not surprisingly, the people coming to read posts about Smartphones don't want to see posts about the Zune, and vice-versa.
The ability to have custom templates per forum is amazing - it allows me to do exactly what I want - but the lack of ability to keep the forums isolated regarding new posts is the #1 user complaint I'm receiving. It's hugely problematic, so I'm looking for a solution that does the job, but also does it in such a way that it doesn't make upgrades overly problematic.
Any ideas?