Site Name: WebArea - Romanian Webmaster community
Description: Although the site is pretty new(4 months old) Webarea is a romanian webmaster community which contains topics/posts about programming/design/SEO and marketing guidelines. It is one of the few serious webmaster communities in romania where even beginner webmasters can seek help from expert users. Every user is just as much respected as the moderators/admins.
Reason for Nomination: I have the same dream as every vbulletin owner's dream which is to have a big and solid community with quality posts and spam reduced to minimum. In my opinion the moderating staff at webarea ar as active as they can get, around 25% of the daily posts are erased because they just don't fit the forum's standards. In my opinion my forum is pretty much unique in its way:the design is used on about two more sites(1 vbulletin(the guy who made the skin split) and 1 phpbb(a friend recoded the skin for phpbb). We have active revenue sharing on the forum and lots of mods are installed and lots of functions are powered by AJAX(we love ajax). Although the website is a webmaster community we like having fun and having a good time just like any person on earth, thats why users have the chance to change their moods, or post funny topics. The moderating team isn't too soft on the community but not too harsh either(we dont want the time spent on the forum be like in army)