Originally Posted by Megatr0n
I was hoping this would also be system that allows your users to send out e-mails to others. You know their screename would be their web-address: "vbulletin@vbulletin.com". Is this in the full version?
There is a hack for this, and I can't recall the name... Ours is for the admins and owners of the forums.
Originally Posted by yahoooh
the mail will be recieved in inbox or in the junkmail , because this is the main trouble we get by any mailer
How do you know and figure? They aren't sent out as CC, you set your own settings to whatever you need, it's speculation rather than facts, where do you see this happening because it's coming from your FORUMS.... So you configure it to your likings! Maybe you have had a raw deal with some can't just going around speculating on something you haven't installed, if you aren't posting in retrospect to our hack I asked that you not post in our description.