Originally Posted by:
If you gimme a reason why your vbmailer is better than phplist.com I buy 3
ONE reason of MANY:
phplist doesn't work inside vbulletin seamlessly and is a 3rd party script that works in another directory and not with vBulletin, nor can it tie into vBulletin unless it has hacks to...
Good enough? So now you have to buy 6
++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++
Can we use this to mass mail to our members?
Absolutely! Even has the ability to sleep between sends.
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I have a few questions about the full version of EPC mailing:
1. Wich are the differences between LITE and FULL ?
2. Am I able to use "customfields" on the email ?
3. How this mod affects server load ?
4. What kind of autoresponders you can setup
1. Differences are not much but more flexibility and support for sending out unlimited vs the LITE not coded to have support for sending out Autoresponders and not able to handle unlimited e-mails as two main differences, each one has the same features, just in the FULL you have more control over the settings and it handles unlimited. For you to see the difference of the two you should go to the webpage for the FULL and compare it via screenshots if needed. Overall we have ALOT of copies sold, but you are well known to be as a supporter, we aren't making profits, we are simply getting ready to release many more hacks for the community, namely our last ones here:
Sorry We are Closed
EPC Massive User Creator :: Using PHP and .NET (ALL SOURCES)
EPC Autoposter for vBulletin Hack
2. Yes you can use custom fields in e-mails. See in the hacks description which states:
EPC vbMailer Variables Overview:
Although you can use anything in the 'user' table as a template variable, the most useful are provided in this list:
EPC vbMailer Variables Test Email
So basically you would setup and form e-mail going out to all as an example:
Dear [username],
Today it has come to our attention your posts total today are [posts] posts on the forums.
Total warnings you have on file are [warnings] warnings!
You have a total of [pmtotal] PM?s inside your inbox on the forums, also do note that you have a total of [pmunread] unread PM?s
Your webpage is located at: [homepage]
On file we have the following Instant Messengers:
ICQ: [icq]
AIM: [aim]
YAHOO: [yahoo]
MSN: [msn]
SKYPE: [skype]
Your User ID, which is a number and can be found to be as follows: [userid]
Your sign-up IP address was: [ipaddress]
Best regards,
EPC vbMailer and Team
EPC vbMailer Outcome E-mail
Dear BillyBoyGates,
Today it has come to our attention your posts total today are 0 posts on the forums.
Total warnings you have on file are 0 warnings!
You have a total of 0 PM?s inside your inbox on the forums, also do note that you have a total of 0 unread PM?s
Your webpage is located at: http://www.billyboygates.com/
On file we have the following Instant Messengers:
ICQ: 999999
AIM: bloggermania
YAHOO: yahoosucks@yahoo.com
MSN: billyboygates@hotmail.com
SKYPE: skyperockstotally
Your User ID, which is a number and can be found to be as follows: 1
Your sign-up IP address was:
Best regards,
EPC vbMailer and Team
You can unsubscribe at any time by visiting the forums where this was sent from and requesting not to receive emails from administrators any more.
3. Doesn't it sleeps meaning send a few it sleeps, send a few it sleeps.
4. Whatever kind you want... We can't make those for you
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