There's something strange in how VBull is parsing the information that it's passing to Itemstats.
My database has a number of entries that look like the following:
Gloves of the Fallen D efender
Gloves of the Fallen H ero
I've also noticed that when I click on the link to "Update" the item, the shortcut that it's giving me is including those spaces and such.
For example:
/vbull/itemstats/updateitem.php?item=Gloves%2Bof%2Bthe%2BFallen%2BD efender
/vbull/itemstats/updateitem.php?item=Pauldrons%2Bof%2Bthe%2BVanquis hed%2BDefender
vbull/itemstats/updateitem.php?item=Helm%2Bof%2Bthe%2BFallen%2BCha mpion
Any thoughts?