Originally Posted by 0tolerance
If i were to create a potential "Big Board" what sort of content would it need to have?
And how would i go about getting the first few sign ups on the board?
In the long run, maybe the next 4 -5 years i would like to achieve owning a big board with a fair income + adding an E-shop to it eventually, But i just find it hard setting to a specific content.
i would like a board, where you chat about everything. But there also comes the point where it becomes to broad and people dont sign up, because there's nothing on there that they want at all.
So if i was to Create the perfect board what would i have?
how would i market it...
and how would i keep people active whilst still having a life of my own.
I am curious, assuming someone had the magic answer to this question, why on earth do you think they would share it?