hi peeps. thanks for your comments on the site.
i would very much love to accomodate the highest reses possible. but i've hit that brick wall many times and if anyone here can provide the solution, i'd be in your debt.
the problem starts with us NEEDING a fixed bg. one that does not move when the forum is scrolled.
secondly. sure i can stop tiling in all directions, and even add a colored bg to the back. but does that look any better? idk. up to you i guess.
the other option is making the largest bg ever. but then it doens't look good on smaller screens cause now all they can see is like a fraction of the bg and what were trying to show to everyone is a sky. not part of the sky.
i've tried stretchable bg's. the kind that can take up the whole screen regardless of res. but it was really hard to implement on a forum for me. and when i thought i had it, it dind't work.
so yah. if you guys can do what we need. go ahead and suggest away.