vBulletin.org - Changes & New Options.
In all modification release threads the custom settings have been moved from the 'Edit Modification' page into their own settings page. These are accessible via a new 'Edit Settings' link. All licensed members should see this link, in all releases, as some settings are now member related.
If you click on this link you will see all the settings you can alter for a modification. If you are the modification author then you will have all the existing product/modification/support settings as per normal. Underneath these you will find the new member settings. If you are not the modification author then you will just see the new member settings.
Member Options
These new options allow every member to set a series of options on a per modification basis.
Tag Modification
This simply allows you to mark ('tag') a modification you are interested in (for any reason). Once tagged you will see a message in the main modification post that says "You currently have this modification tagged". Also, whenever you view thread listings, that modification will be prefixed with the word "Tagged" (unless this is overridden by another prefix). You can also view a list of all modifications you have tagged via the User CP > Tagged Modifications
Receive manual notifications sent by the author.
This determines whether you will receive notifications sent by the author via the "Send Update" option. In the past these were sent to everyone who had a modification marked as installed - members can now choose to opt in/out of manual notifications, independant of whether they mark a modification as installed.
One small point to note is that when you mark a modification as installed, the manual updates flag will also be set, you will need to unset it again if you wish to opt out of update notifications. The reverse applies if you later mark a modification as uninstalled.
Receive automatic notification when this modification is updated.
At the moment, if an author updates a modification, you will only be notified if they decide to send a manual update. This option allow you to receive an automatic notification whenever a modification is updated. The definition of an update for the purpose of this option is whenever a txt, php, xml or zip file in the main [first] post is changed (i.e. this will not be triggered if just the post text is updated, or if just screenshots are changed).
Please remember that if you have both the manual and automatic options set for a modification, and the author updates a file, and then sends out an update, you will receive both types of notification.
Send notifications by e-mail or private message.
This option determines how you want to receive the above update notifications, you can receive them by e-mail (as now) or choose to receive them via PM. The choice applies to both manual and automatic notifications.
If you choose PM and the system is unable to send you a PM for any reason then it will send you an e-mail instead - also, if you pick the PM option, and have also chosen (in your usercp options) to receive an e-mail notification whenever someone sends you a PM, then you will still receive that PM notification e-mail.
Monthly Downloaded Modifications Notification.
As well as the above, an automatic (monthly) notification has been added. Once a month, the system will look at all the modifications you downloaded between 1 and 5 weeks ago, it will then check if any of those modifcations are not marked as installed, and will further check if any of those modifications have been the subject of a previous notification.
If any modifications are found that satisfy the required conditions then they will trigger a single generic notification reminding you that you have downloaded modifications that are not marked is installed (you can list them via the User CP > Downloaded Modifications link.
Note that only one notification is sent, no matter how many uninstalled modifications are found. Once a modification has triggered a monthly reminder message, it is marked to prevent it triggering one again.
An option has been added to the User CP (Messaging & Notification options) to allow you to control this notification - you can receive it by e-mail, private message, or choose to disable it. The default is e-mail.
There have also been a number of minor bug fixes, which I'm not going to list individually.