In my first post I gave you an example of code to place in your forum display template:
to create a variable - eg: $rssaus which I place in a conditional in the forumdisplay template.
<if condition="$foruminfo['forumid'] == 3">$rsseng</if>
<if condition="$foruminfo['forumid'] == 4">$rssaus</if>
<if condition="$foruminfo['forumid'] == 5">$rsssaf</if>
<if condition="$foruminfo['forumid'] == 6">$rsspak</if>
<if condition="$foruminfo['forumid'] == 7">$rssind</if>
So I can display a different feed on different forums.
I also gave you an example of the code for the plugin in my previous post.
On my server is a folder called FeedForAllCacheFiles which is CHMODed to 777 to store the cached RSS feed files. The documentation should explain this. If it doesn't let me know. I also have a PHP and HTML file corresponding to each feed. For example:
rssaus.php and rssaus.html to display the feed on the Australia forum.
rsseng.php and rsseng.html to display the feed on the England forum.
rssind.php and rssind.html to display the feed on the India forum. Etc.
To view the code of rssaus.php open the attached file. To view the html code of rssaus.html open the attached text file: rssaus.txt. I hope this helps.