Originally Posted by st1905
I`ve just asked for some support and received the simply best support of all-time. This project is great, at the same time developers are real kind people. I really recommend these people and their products to everyone who reads this thread. I`ve seen a similar product which was approx 140-150$ and as you can see they are giving this one for only 2.95$ which is simply nothing for a product like this.
Thank you all of you who made this great product.
WOW thanks for a great feedback. Never really knew there was software out there for $140+ for this sort of thing... Guess you can save a few dollars with our Full version
Anyhow we enjoyed working this issue out for you and if you require anything else feel free to contact us at anytime.
Best regards,
PS Latest update for v2 see the below screenshots because we are now going to be supporting "ARTICLES", the LITE version has support so far and now working on the FULL, once we are done, we'll announce it.

The FULL version will be coming with extras (About 6000 ready-made articles)