Hi Michelle,
i just complete the top X users rating in homepage and it is working very fine.
but only one problem, the problem is : it is show the top rating regardless checking the option karma_stats_minvotes , and because i am just a goat owner

i don't know how to add the (if) function to check the option karma_stats_minvotes .
the code is:
PHP Code:
if ($adet<1)
$adet = 5;
$getkarmax = $db->query_read("SELECT * FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "user ORDER BY karmatotal DESC LIMIT 0, $adet");
while ($getkarma= $db->fetch_array($getkarmax))
$topkarmausers .= "<a href=\"member.php?u=".$getkarma['userid']."\">".$getkarma['username']."</a> (".$getkarma['karmatotal']."), ";
would you please help what to add to fix it?