Originally Posted by Addict4Life
wow i got it in there, now i just have to find where to put it! thanks man i been screwing with this for 2 days lol i can just keep adding the same code for diff fields right?
No problem. Yeah, just duplicate it for the different fields using the different field names.
When you get familiar with it, give the other two posts in that thread a look through. I stayed away from them for several months, thinking it was over my head, and came back to them later. Basically, he's just trying to explain the technical reasons for why the code works, and then shows you what to add as well. But if you read through it, you'll find that what he's showing is actually just as simple as the first post, just with a couple more steps.
The second post comes in handy when you want to display something from a field you created that's multiple choice (those little radio buttons). And the third post, is when you want to display things from a field that a user can choose more then one option (those little check boxes).