thanks for all those that have responded to this thread. I've been very much hack happy on my dev forum but very strict and stringent as to what the needs are for the production forum.
I have about 18 products installed. here's what comes up from the debug setting. where does the memory usage come from? Is that number too high?
Page Generation 0.18570 seconds
Memory Usage 3,407KB
Queries Executed 12
added vbbmicrostats and came up with:
Page generated in 0.16144395 seconds (28.47% PHP - 71.53% MySQL) with 12 queries
Users: 1 (1 members and 0 guests) | 3,434.49KB Used | GZIP ON (level 1) | 3.18 : 3.85 : 3.59 | Uncached Templates: None