Hello, I am the author of the MultiHack program. It is designed to be used with UBB, however that is only a visual design. File paths can be set to anything.
I was interested in adding in specific support for vB, but I am unable to run vB due to its server requirements so I do not know what all I would have to do. The 2 emails I have sent to the folks here at vBulletin have not been replied to.
Version 1.5 of MultiHack was just released 2 days ago, so if you would like to check it out, it has been much improved over the last version. Currently I am working on the features for 2.0 which include options to auto download the necessary files from the web server, modify them, and upload them for you. So far, all goes well.
For a complete list of the 1.5 features you can visit
www.multihack.com, and enter the forums section. Check out the Announcements area.
Take it easy,