Hey all, as a lot of you may have noticed, I haven't been very active the past week or so. Mainly because I am leaving for boot camp on 23 AUG 07 for the U.S. Navy and will be away for.....probably 8-9 months (I have Boot Camp, then "A" School, then FMF (Fleet Marine Force) which all HM's are required to go through now.) but I will be back. I just passed everything I need to yesterday, so I am officially going in as an E-2 (Seaman Apprentice).
If anyone wants to help support my modifications while I am gone, I would appreciate it but of course, that is up to you.
So, anyone have any advice, suggestions, etc. for me?
Click here for an update of what's been going on (Update as of 18 MAR 2008)