Originally Posted by Paul M
Links that don't open in new windows annoy the hell out of me, I really hate losing my place on a page because clicking some link has directed that page elsewhere.
Get Firefox (or IE for that matter...and probably of the other browsers) and click the scroll wheel.
I hate pop-ups I want to click a link I want to see that stuff when I want to, I don't want to be forced to read the new page after I clicked the link.
Prompts and 'password protection' in Javascript. Yeah, they work for the very, very stupid people online, but anyone with half a brain just disables Javascript. I even read how a pay site did this... as it's only protection against those who did not pay reading content.
You have to admit though it feels good when you can use your knowledge to beat the a site.
Links to non HTML files (more precisely, anything that does not easily open in the browser window). Like unmarked PDF files, or any PowerPoint/Word/Excel files some person thought would be great to put online and link to with no warning. Worse when the navigation does not say where you're going.
Have you never thought to read the status bar when you hover over a link? I even do when I'm not looking for something these days.
I just generally hate anything that doesn't work in FireFox, the odd bit of flash that takes years to load but has the only method of navigation within it and 2 minutes of intro and finally sites that load slow my tolerance has gone down over the years if I can't see text within 1-10 seconds I'm gone