My number one pet peeve lately is links opening in new windows when I don't want them to. I'm fine with links in forum posts opening in a new window since you're leaving the site in order to visit that link. But when the content is on the same site, it's annoying. is actually one of the places that's guilty of this. If you go to a members hacks to see what they done, you get a new window. Why? You're still at!
godaddy does this a lot too. By the time you get to what you want to look at in your account, you have three or four windows open.
Second on my all time list is auto playing music or sounds. If I'm listening to music while surfing, it makes for a lot of noise when stuff starts playing in a browser window. If I'm not listening to anything else, then it scares the crap out of me when my speakers start blaring some ad or some song that someone thought sounded cool on their web site.