I installed the hack and worked perfectly until i figured out that if the thread has more than 10 posts therefore the thread is indexed in more than one page it wont work.
I click on the ">" button to see the second page but it just shows me always the first one. I have a SEO hack called vRewrite, if i disable it it works ok.
Do any of you knows a way to get the two hacks working ? I think that the problem comes becuase the AME also attempt to change the url, something like a write rule, and the vRewrite SEO hack also do that, in fact that is what i have for.
This is the link of one of the threads i was testing:
Seems that both hacks together messed things up, is there a way to ame does not chage the url (in the browser), cause maybe that #post319 is what is making this to be not working.
Thanks in advance!