User Promotions
Is there a way to make a change to the usergroup promotion setting that would check to see when a user's last post was made and move that user to a different usergroup if the post was not made within x days. (meaning that users would automatically be pruned to an inactive usergroup if they had not posted within let's say 30 days). the promotion settings allow for pruning/promotions based on rep, # of posts, and join date. I already have one set up for # of posts and I like the system, I just want to be able to move users based on the date of their last post. I tried to edit usergroup.php directly and modify the join date function with the last post but I kept recieving various errors. I've restored the original to avoid any problems but I am just not sure what code to use or how to make the necessary changes. My last attempt at asking this question resulted in it going unanswered. is there anyone who can help me?