Originally Posted by Michelle
Are you sure you have the latest version? There was a similar problem with karma_cron.php and I updated it in post #164. If you haven't replaced it then, do so and then run the query mentioned on post #166 to turn it back on to everybody.
Thank you , i just re-download karma_cron.php and will give it try again.
But now i would like to understand how Controversy works ?
for i example this user with more than average rating:
when average rating from 1 and more the Controversy is very high.
when average rating from -0.99 to +0.99 the Controversy is high.
when agerage rating from -1 to -5 the Controversy is very high.
this is the results that i am getting right now when i try testing with one user.
my qustion is my result working fine ? if so how it is working and when the user will get low Controversy for example ?
Controversy classes i am using in admincp is 0.75,0.5,0.15