Originally Posted by tpearl5
You should've said "Original content = the key to Google..." RSS content is treated as duplicated content by search engines. They know where content originated. I've never seen a thread that contains an rss feed on my forums have a good rank at all.
I wouldn't use your mod as a way to completely fill forums in hopes of search engines catching on, but as a supplement to existing content to stur up conversation.
Yes they do know where the originating content comes from is true. We didn't say use the MOD to fill your board completely, we issued the MOD to expand the ideas and minds of others, mainly for the fact of taking a board that gets only one post a day, two or low numbers and start posting something relevant to their board.
We have used craigslist.org feeds inside our advertisement area on our forums, and surely 40 new ones started posting immediately. That is what we call enticing others to post and etc... That's our goal in this is to help others perhaps get their boards posted to more frequently, then they can turn it off and let the "actual" "real" users post at heart!
Best regards,