Take a look at the screenshots of
e-steki User ModLog v1.1.1 - An alternative to moderation AutoPM.
For the fist one: I had to cut the whole USERCP shell from it so that it conforms to 700x700. This resulted to some users not being able to understand where the table will be put into!
Second one from the admincp: I had to resize my window a lot to shoot it and afterwards use photoshop to manipulate it so that it conforms to 700x700. If I add one more setting to the hack, I'll have to split the options screenshot to two screenshots! That's insane!
700x700 is a very low limit, even coders with a resolution of 800x600 will need to resize and manipulate their screenshots. At least make it 800x800!
Also, don't tell me that you care so much about users with 800x600, as even your site layout is wider than that. Also I don't think there are many site admins which use 800x600.