Fresh install on 3.6.8.
Go to manage categories and there are two errors (the same error shows up twice) on this page:
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /admincp/vbsupport.php on line 40
What does this mean?
EDIT: This post has the solution:
Originally Posted by sinisterpain
You did not do the other edit below that post which is edit for vbsupport.php in the admincp folder. See post
Also in the main vbsupport.php (one not in admincp folder)I forgot another edit I think
Find :
// unserialize the datastore
$vbulletin->vbs_category = unserialize($vbulletin->vbs_category);
$vbulletin->vbs_admin = unserialize($vbulletin->vbs_admin);
// check if the user is an admin
$show['useradmin'] = false;
if (vbsupport_can_moderate('canadminsupport'))
Change too:
// unserialize the datastore
$vbulletin->vbs_category = unserialize($vbulletin->vbs_category);
$vbulletin->vbs_admin = unserialize($vbulletin->vbs_admin);
// check if the user is an admin
$show['useradmin'] = false;
if (vbsupport_can_moderate('canadminsupport'))
also for pms to work:
find in vbsupport.php:
// build the $emailids
$pmids = explode(',', $vbulletin->vbs_category["$categoryid"]['adminpmusers']);
$emailids = explode(',', $vbulletin->vbs_category["$categoryid"]['adminemailusers']);
// check for email notifications
if (is_array($emailids) && is_array($pmids))
// process add admins
foreach($vbulletin->vbs_admin AS $userid => $user)
Change too:
// build the $emailids
$pmids = explode(',', $vbulletin->vbs_category["$categoryid"]['adminpmusers']);
$emailids = explode(',', $vbulletin->vbs_category["$categoryid"]['adminemailusers']);
// check for email notifications
if (is_array($emailids) && is_array($pmids))
// process add admins
foreach($vbulletin->vbs_admin AS $userid => $user)
Quaterbore posted a phrase add which must be done for pms regards to a support ticket being deleted by another admin and then clicking on the link in the PM that was sent by that ticket will cause an error since no phrase exists to handle this particular case.