Originally Posted by cheat-master30
Yahoo does not own Yahoo Group content. I'm sure people can actually create their own Yahoo Groups, therefore it is either the group creator or posting members there's content, not that of Yahoo. It's like Jelsoft going after all those who take content from vBulletin forums, or Invisionfree going after all those who take from forums hosted by them. It's not their problem, it's that of the individual owner.
About this modification though. While I do not really agree with the idea of it, it happens to be a legitimate modification which may have some uses. Maybe to register members who cannot register normally by bulk because of spam controls being too strict, or for various other reasons. Or to import from an old forum on mass.
Besides, anyone who misuses it only has themselves to blame. You can easily see what forums will use this or the fake statistics mod due to ratios between posts and members or the like.
Good to know about the Yahoo groups so others can chime in on! Thanks for sharing that valuable information here.
As you stated and we stated, no one is responsible for other's actions and reactions all in all, you do what you want, take responsibility

Thanks again cheat-master30!
Best regards,