Originally Posted by Andrew Green
Create a new posticon group in the control panel, set all the permissions to "no", (except maybe administrator / supermods)
Add the icon you want to use for official threads, make a note of its id number
Add a plugin for newpost_complete
if(is_member_of($vbulletin->userinfo, X))
SET iconid = Y
WHERE threadid = $threadinfo[threadid]
X is the usergroup you want to trigger this, Y is the iconid for the official icon.
It will override the icon already in use with the official one for the thread when someone from usergroup X makes a post in it.
Really appreciate you taking time on this.
I followed your instructions and it worked like a charm - now when I make a reply in a thread, the icon automaticly changes to the iconID I set in ur code.
Thanks a lot!