Admin Override Public Joinable Groups
Our site almost imploded with political arguments during the 2004 US election. We would like to let our peeps talk about the upcoming 2008, but I am not sure how to do this beyond setting up a forum for this and controlling permissions.
Our permission system is set up so that we can block people from certain forums if they become disruptive (a precursor to banning). This is done at the primary group level.
If I set up "politics" as a secondary group and let people opt into it, how can I set up an override so that if the admins deem that the person should be in the "no politics" primary group -- they can't go right back and opt back into it again?
I am thinking a conditional on the UserCP template that would block the access if their usergroup was 'x', but that seems to be security by obscurity.
Can anyone help?