I fixed my issue with forum description arrangement. I think it looks much better this way.
I added a colon ( : ) after $forum[title] like this;
<a href="forumdisplay.php?$session[sessionurl]f=$forum[forumid]"><strong>$forum[title]:</strong></a>
and changed the <div tag to <font class="smallfont2" then made a new class called smallfont2 with a text size of 9.
So it looks like this in the forumhome_forumbit_level1_post also the other similar templates;
<if condition="$show['forumdescription']"><font class="smallfont2">$forum[description]</font></if>
The new class looks like this:
.smallfont2 {
font-family:verdana, geneva, lucida, 'lucida grande', arial, helvetica, sans-serif;
The text in postbit was too small as well.
So I created a new class called smallfont3 and made that text size at 13. Then changed the postbit and postbit_legacy tamplates to look like this;
<!-- message -->
<div id="post_message_$post[postid]"><font class="smallfont3"><br>$post[message]</font></div>
<!-- / message -->
This gives me much greater control over the size of the text in just the posts and keeps the rest of the text on the page unchanged.
Again, thanks for a great skin!