Originally Posted by wolf32
I really like how you give your users so many different skins to choose from, and all your logos are amazing. I don't really get why you have the avatar of the user Omega under the logo.
Thanks for the comments.
I have been wondering that too about the forum descriptions whether I should briefly cover a topic list, or whether I should have them be..."talkative descriptions" like they are now. I didn't know the best way to do it, I asked my staff and they liked the talkative better, but if a concensus disagrees I will gladly relook at that.
In regards to the Omega avatar that whole space of sky there is for a Flash Staff Display Bar, that showcases all the staff that are presently online. Only Omega is online right now, but when other staff members are online there are more avatars up there. As shown in the link below:
That is what it looks like when all the staff members are online. In the above link showing the different styles in one thread, there are screenshots with various numbers of staff online, dun matter the bar auto centers dependant upon how many are online.
If I'm confusing anyone, sorry and I can demonstrate it by logging some accounts on, but u prolly know what I'm saying.
Thanks again Wolf.