Originally Posted by Dragonlair
I think this is the greatest mod I have ever seen, if I can get it to work right for me. I got a legitimately bounced email today but the link was incomplete, there was no usernumber. I clicked on it and got a blank screen. I could easily see the user number from the email and plugged it into the address and it worked! We have the latest version installed. What's wrong? What do we need to do to get that link complete?
*** Later Information *** I see that some links do have the correct user number inlcuded and others have just U= with nothing after it. Are there some types of emails that don't include it? The ones that DON'T have it are the ones from "Contact Us" and the usernumber is shown right above the ezbounce link.
All links should have the correct user number after it. I don';t know why some would and some wouldn't. Is there anything differen tabout the ones that are missing it? How / why are those sent as opposed to the others?
Originally Posted by Mrdby
anti virus you never logged in to check my hack.
Sorry mrdby, i'm not sure what you're talking about? Please clarify.
Originally Posted by Alfa1
I can see how handy this is but at the same time I wonder how I can use this to improve bounced back email on a large board. I mean that I get a massive amount of bounced email per month. A monthly newsletter alone renders many thousands of bounced emails. Add subscriptions and notifications to that and the number of emails is quite unmanageable. I guess at least 10.000 per month. I am a bit in doubt whether it is feasible to start on such project. At the same time, I need to fix this as this is putting strain on my server. What are your thoughts about this?
It's just a matter of having to do it once, then not again (provided you never sent to users who requested not to receive emails from admins)
Originally Posted by djsydeburnz
quick question. first of all, great hack. i love the large memeber count, but if only a fraction are active, why keep the old data. anyways, is there a way to have an annoucement show up on all pages per usergroup? im lazy and didnt search yet, but figured i'd ask. if they dont check thier pm when they get to the site, it would be nice to annoy them with an announcement that follows them around.
Not sure what you mean by "member count". It's up to you regarding keepin gthe old data. If oyu want to get rid of members who are bouncing, then move em to another usergroup and prune the members of that group. This could certainly be modified to display a :"nag" message for members who's email has bounced. I'll consider it for next update.