Totally great mod and something I have wanted for a couple of my sites for some time....
I have a couple questions and I am also having a problem...
Question #1 - How can I mass pay everyone upon starting... I looked in the instructions and did not see anything. I don't have time to go through the entire 20 pages right now...
Question #2 - This is integratable with ICash bank or IBank or what ever... I am talking about the fairly new simple stand alone bank that is out... If this can be used with that how is integration performed? I tried before and could not figure it...
The main issue I am having is with forum manager. After installation I cannot edit any of my forums through the forum manager. Currently I have the credit system working but I have disbaled both forum credit override plug ins..
I am using 3.6.8 and a custom style. I had to do the custom edits.. Everything else works fine I believe...
Thanks again... Great mod!!