Originally Posted by princeedward
many thanks tminus...great tutorial reply...when i upload my tar files via "CuteFTP" it went smoothly my IbProArcade Games...but those Zip Files...i cant make it through...i got this error messages " ZIP is not compatible. Install Failed" i try also to upload those V3 Arcade Games/Zip Files...but no luck at all...is there anything i must do first to make that Zip Files compatible? i download also those games from flashgames247 and it was zip files...but like i said i can't make it work...please advice and appreciate it from any of you guys...
thanks and best regards to all...

No way to make compatible without editing the game file (.swf) directly.
I was trying to figure out what your zip problem is because you should get it figured out, but you can still add games manually and as long as they are converted for IBPA/v3 the scores will be integrated with IBPA. So here is how you do that.
Unzip the file. Now for IBPA, you should have at least a .swf (game) file, two images and a .php (game info) file. For v3 you should at least have the same but with a .txt (game info) file instead of the php file. At the most, there may also be other swf files or another folder. Now upload everything
but the txt/php file and the images to your /forums/arcade/ folder. Then upload the images to your /forums/arcade/images/ folder.
Next, in your vB admin control panel, expand the arcade menu and select 'Add Game'. This opens the arcade.php page. At the top you will see two boxes for adding games manually titled "Required Info" and "Optional Info". Open the game's info file (txt/php) on your PC with notepad, wordpad or whatever.
The first field, Game Name, is the title of the game as it will appear in your arcade. In a v3 txt info file, it is listed as 'Title', and in an IBPA php info file it is listed as 'gtitle'. So for a game called Zombie Lunch, you would enter:
Game Name
Set Game on/off
Highscore type
Depends on the game, but most likely:
In category
(Your preference)
This is the game file title, for v3 and ibProArcade it is listed under 'gname'.
Decimal Points?
The game file will mention if you have to set decimal points. Leave it at 0 if it isn't mentioned. For my fictional game, Zombie Lunch, the v3 game file says "set decimal points to 1".
Game Background Color
This is the color of the background in the flash window, 000 (black) by default.
Game Width
Game Height
This is the size of the vB window the game will be loaded into, based on the size of the game. In v3 txt file it is listed under 'size'. The first number is the width and the second is the height. In IBPA php file it is listed under 'gwidth' and 'gheight'. Zombie Lunch is width 700 by height 550:
Game Width
Game Height
The Optional Info box is up to you. In this case, I usually play it locally and fill in the fields for manual upload or just leave it blank. The instrucitons are usually listed in the game itself, and sometimes listed in the game info file for IBPA under 'gkeys'. Or you can just install without it, play it and rewrite the optional info during reinstall.
Good luck. Let me know if you have any problems.
EDIT: Btw, I think I figured out why they aren't working. It is likely that the zip files you have are not actually converted for ibProArcade/v3. The game file itself has to actually be created/edited so the scores function in IBPA/v3. You can still use these games by following the manual install, but the scores will not function. I can tell you if it is converted if you copy and paste the txt file with the game into a post. To get games that work, follow the info I sent to you in a PM earlier.
I will be AFK, so I hope you get it manually installed.