Originally Posted by dyna88
Originally Posted by bulbasnore
I dropped in to see if anyone was having the same problem I'm having... I have a user who gets detected everytime as "thisuser appears to be using the same computer as thisuser". The userid is identical when you click the linked user names. Corrupt cookie?
I have also seen this a few times with a certain user and I have also seen it show the same user 3 times like this..
user1 seems to have multiple personalities using user1 and user1 and user1 sharing the same computer.
I also just had this...
user1 seems to have multiple personalities using user2 and Admin and user1 sharing the same computer.
I know for a fact user1 did not login as Admin...lol
Add me to the list. I've seen a user reported under the same account multiple times "usera" is sharing an account with "usera." I've also seen a user reportedly sharing an account with a user who hasn't logged in for years (before I installed the mod). The only possibility I can think of is a corrupt cookie unless there is a bug or incompatibility (I'm using 3.6.5).