Originally Posted by Vossi
Hm... the more I think about it - the more I like the idea. What I think about is something like a 'map-construction-module' for this AddOn where a self-drawn map could be loaded and certain points be fixed with names by the users. Then it's getting converted into a 'map-package' and it can be used just like a normal map.
Hm..... that would take some time, but in generall it could be possible!
Give us some time that we can publish more major maps and after we finished and published 1.0.5 we might give it a try. 
Awesome thanks! No rush for sure, just happy that it is of interest! And the way you presented it sounds great. Surprisingly, I have asked this question of a number of existing map programs, even google maps, and although I have found it is possible in all of them, it never gets mentioned. Yet there are so many community created maps for fictional worlds! Anyways, I look forward to seeing this in the distant future, thank you for the response.
I also mentioned a mod that would use a map in place of who's online. I think that is another idea you could look into. A separate membermap could also take over who's online, or become another option for viewing who's online. Seems like this would be a relatively simple addition to your mod, at least compared my other suggestion!
Zip codes in the US are 00000-0000, but you can just use the first five. So 34056 for example. I don't know as far as Geodata is concerned, but using 78654 will get a letter to the address! (assuming that is actually a real zip code... I just mad it up.)