I've been running this site for about 10 years, however I just wiped it 4 months ago and been rebuilding it over the last 4 months. Almost up to 1000 users again.
Note I've made the all the 3d graphics/header as well as buttons nav etc for the site..
General Credits: Gars/release, cmps, vbulletin, vbgallery, custom mods, vbcredits, bugtracker from vision scripts, although changing it out for vBTracker, downloads II, and can't think of all them, but props go out to other devs I've added hacks from etc...
The site is heavelly using our vBLimiter mod, so people can see screenshots but can't download files till they register.
Example area:
OrB Buildings area
Anyway thought I'd post it for general feedback, for layout nav... I've tried to make use of the cmps / child styles in vbulletin as much as possible. To give each section a bit of a theme