Originally Posted by Loco.M
I just added the tab featured from DD on vBulletin Setup
I may have to remove it and try this one out 
I checked yours out yesterday... the dynamicdrive ajax script works just fine. They both accomplish the same end result which is what a lot of us are after. I was actually thinking about writing about both the dynamicdrive script and codethattab script as other options available.
Originally Posted by Dr. Bantham
Nice one! I have this working in the test mode. I hope to be able to utilize many of my VBA modules in this format. I do have a question regarding styles. It seems that the CSS file approach is not conducive to accommodating sites with multiple styles. How can we work around this? Ideally, these settings would adhere to the current style.
Ya, multiple styles does raise somewhat of an issue. Im sure a work around is feasable, I just have not focused on one. Maybe someone that has some time can look into that part?
Originally Posted by beduino
It is a big mod!
But.. if it is possible you can tell how insert last threads and last news [vba] in dynamic content?
Tks in advance
I mentioned a few posts back that I have some beta code that Im willing to share. Its not ready for public release tho (sorry)... blast me a PM and I'll hook you up so you can test it out and modify it to meet your needs.