Originally Posted by dbirosel
What about us Americans??? We need USA!!!! Ahhhhh!!!! lol! 
I'm working on it right now!
Originally Posted by tminus
Well, in the instance of video games, the game maps have co-ordinates. Any data would be custom created. This is what I would use it for, and yes I have geo data for the game. I am not asking you to make it, I am just wondering if there will be any instruction on adding custom maps.
I actually thought of this (vB custom maps, not your mod) a while back, and this mod probably wouldn't be well suited to this purpose. My twist idea is to define location on the map by Who's Online. So different areas would represent different forums and threads. Obviously it would show who is where on the map based upon where they are on the forum. Sort of a visual map of your forum's current activity.
Hm... the more I think about it - the more I like the idea. What I think about is something like a 'map-construction-module' for this AddOn where a self-drawn map could be loaded and certain points be fixed with names by the users. Then it's getting converted into a 'map-package' and it can be used just like a normal map.
Hm..... that would take some time, but in generall it could be possible!
Give us some time that we can publish more major maps and after we finished and published 1.0.5 we might give it a try.