This is Not A Rant But a Point I would like to make , Moderators Feal free to delete this thread if it violates any rules My intent is not to cause trouble just to express my self among other Admins / Mods .
For a start , Im Fairly new to Owning a site but have been admin for a few years . And a member for over 5 years , Ive seen all sides of the Web Forum World .
Any Site with out a privacy Policy thats not Stock I would not Trust , Ive had My own and a ton of my friends email address get end up with a spam company , I know this to be 100% Fact Pm Me and i will go into detail for you , Upon this discovery We all found the site had no privacy policy and we were at our own risk , To be a Good Admin You should ensure your members that there private information is Safe and you wont share it , This is not an option for you , W/O a Privacy Policy you can lose alot of your Google ads, Auction Ad's ect By not holding up your end of the deal .
Miserable Users Mod - I know this is Pauls mod , I respect Paul A Lot and dont mean to take anything away from his great mods ect,,, However this Is Just Flat out Wrong Think about it Someone wants to view your site and you make it a PITA for them on purpose , If you dont want them there ban there IP address and Grow Up a little , I found my Friends on the Miserable User Group as he was complaing about speed and stuff , I investigated and There it was , (This was on another site) The Admin of this other site was showing on forum leaders the miserable user group , Once the word got out then back around to the members there was a Mass Exidios of members from that forum , Its Corrupt And An Abuse of The Privlage of Being an Admin in the first place .
Read PM's Is just Flat Out Wrong in so many ways and is a major Abuse of powers , As Admin we should hold our selves to a higher standard Of Good Morals and portray the same for our members .
Im Disappointed That many Admin Resort to these Tactics , And I run my forum a lot different than most as my rules are ...
#1 Rule of
"Assume Good Faith"
What this means is: when reading a post on and your not sure how to take it always assume good faith from the poster, If in the end it wasn’t in good faith ... We can handle it, If it was in good faith everyone has a good time like they should be! How this board will be moderated and how the member base is expected to conduct them selves.
FALSE MYTH: When you ASSUME you make an ASS out of U and Me
#2 Rule of
Treat others how you wish to be treated this is how we will run this site..... From the members shoes and do everything we can to make it a kick ass place to be from your view
FALSE MYTH: You Have to Earn Respect Its Not Given
Something I like to call unearned respect, you have nothing to prove here, just have fun, learn, and teach all while helping others along the way. On the internet you have to have respect for people you don't know and most likely would never meet , Show everyone respect from the start if they lose your respect then so be it , You don’t have to respect them, but you can always say “you tried”. If you are an +++++++ from the get go then people in general will never give you the chance to earn their respect. You Just don’t do that.
#3 Rule of
"Be Your Self"
Rather you want to admit it or not were all a lot alike , There's only 1 You , Don’t put on a front trying to be someone that you are not because sooner of later the real you will shine through . Be yourself and have fun!
And Were over 1500 Happy members Since March 2007
Treat Your Members Like adults and with respect and you will get it in return ,
Setting Auto Subscribe to default to all threads they post in and using the re-occurring Subscription Setting are Also Wrong
Be sneaking and intruding on your members privacy by reading there Pm's ,Selling there Personal Information and Throwing them in a user Group where the Site Bucks them at every turn ... And You will get yours in the end
My .02 Dont take it personal