@VBDev on translating the installation guides i found out that in the german and english readme.txt it says:
It is possible that some of you meet problems with accents in the messages of the Chatbox. This problem is inherent to the server and can't be easily managed without modification.
If you meet this problem, edit the file functions_mgc_chatbox.php and replace: $chatbox_utf8 = 0; by $chatbox_utf8 = 0;.
But it have to say the following such as it says in the france readme:
Probl?me d'accents
Il est possible que certains d'entre vous rencontrent des probl?mes d'accents dans les messages de la chatbox. Ce probl?me est inh?rent au serveur et ne peut pas ?tre g?r? ais?ment sans modification :-)
Si vous rencontrez ce probl?me, ?ditez le fichier functions_mgc_chatbox.php et remplacez : $chatbox_utf8 = 0; par $chatbox_utf8 = 1;
This have to be corrected
Greetings from Germany