Originally Posted by Stoebi
Hi VBDev,
i love your Shoutbox and support and can't wait for 2.0 ;-)
My wish is to think more about Non-JavaScript user. An /announce as non-javascipt user in not working etc.
A second wish is to make the /announce command AJAX combatible, i hate to refresh the site, if not really needed. ;-)
Kind Regards,
I didn't really understand your phrase about the non-javascript thing.
You know that all the chatbox is built aroung javascript even the refresh thing through ajax so thinking about the non javascript users would lead to a complete different version as ajax won't work (it's based on javascript you know).
Regarding the announcement, yes this could maybe be done through ajax, I will think at it.
Originally Posted by pmkb
How does this mod compare to Flashchat (with the vB flashchat integration mods)? Has anyone done a comparison? I'm specifically interested in knowing how they compare in terms of server load/resources.
There could not be any real comparison between flashcat which is a real chat and my product which is only a chatbox.
I think my chatbox is not very server intensive