I previously had a free SEO package installed and when I moved my board to a new host I opted to go with vBSEO.
In comparison to the free product I think it is much better, it hasn't effected any of my mods, the other one did and had to remove a few. The one issue I did have is that the mod-rewite URL's was set differently for the new SEO and so I dropped a bunch of indexed pages on google, but within a couple of weeks that was back to normal. Had I been paying better attention I could have probably minimized that with some of the settings available in vBSEO.
Support is great over at vBSEO and a bunch of other helpful information is there as well, I think it is worth it.
I haven't gone through an upgrade yet, so not sure what that impact will be at this point.
If you go with vBSEO get the site map generator that plugs in with it (free)
Best of luck!