Originally Posted by BellyBelly
I am having a problem with this - it is moving them to the usergroup when I click the link, but not overriding title of 'Member' or whatever they are... so I can see this being a nightmare when they all contact me to find out why they cant post etc when it's not visually obvious. I have turned it on to 'can override usertitle' but that only allows the user to do it... so is there any way to make the usertitle I have created (something like 'Please Update Your Email Address') to be the one to be displayed in their details? Otherwise I really see no point to this for me, I will get bombarded with lots of 'whys'....
G'Day Everyone,
I would suggest, nay, nominate this as the BMOTY(Best Mod Of The Year).
As the webmaster of an extremely large Board, I find this mod to be "The best thing since sliced bread and Vegemite.". Have been subject to dDoS attacks for the past 7 months, which I have largely negated. This, but another weapon in my arsenal. I'm still tweaking along the various suggestions in this thread, but in the meantime would like to add this observation.
Many are aware that they can create a "New User Group" with appropriate permissions/title/colour, However this does not show in "Users On Line" in the "Footer Template". I've used "Bounced Email Users" with a #99FFFF coding.(azure). Whatever for a distinctive colour. To do this, go to Styles and Templates/ footer and find this , and insert the highlighted line. Perhaps it could be added in the next update.
May have to edit Footer Template
<div style="padding:3px">
<b><font color="#FF0000">Administrator</font></b>
| <b><font color="#0033FF">Super Moderator</font></b>
| <b><font color="#F4D600">Moderator</font></b>
| <b><font color="#9900CC">Filemaster</font></b>
| <b><font color="#FF9600">VIP Member</font></b>
| <b><font color="#99CC00">Donator</font></b>
| <font color="#22229C">Member</font>
| <i><font color="#707070">User Awaiting Email  ;Confirmation</font></i>
| <b><font color="#99FFFF">Bounced Email Users</font></b>
| <s><font color="#000000">Banned User</font></s>
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx
Forever in your debt for an excellent Mod and all your work supporting it.
Very Kindest Regards, Bill.