If anyone ever has trouble registering, the fastest way to get that resolved and your forum in the Synergy network is to open a ticket up at network.zoints.com. Just FYI as I know a few have had troubles with this.
Originally Posted by aj8690
Is there any way to remove the synergy forum from the archive???
It makes tons of blank pages in there and it's annoying.
Hey aj8690,
I am not aware of a way to remove Synergy from the archives, but I do know the engineers realize this is a pretty big bug so hopefully it will be corrected with the next release.
Originally Posted by TTG
Clicked un-install .. last thread added to Synergy was 02-02-2007 04:18 PM.
Looks like a dying idea / hack.
Synergy isn't near as active as it could be, but I really think that must of been an error you saw. For instance if you click on the newest links section, you would see that all links have been added in August.
Originally Posted by Tygerwoody
I am now fully registered and setup.
However, I have a question. Why on earth did I make a forum section call "Synergy" on my site? I'm not getting why or what its used for.
The forum called Synergy is to integrate you and your forum into the content sharing network that is Zoints. It's a system that works with forums scratching one another's backs if you will; ala a forum member from elsewhere may see a thread on Synergy that interests him from your site, just like a member from your site could see a thread elsewhere that interests him and checks it out, it's a give and take system with forums working with each other to showcase their content versus letting it get buried.
- Reid