Originally Posted by Michelle
Harley77, it would be really easy to put the rating "form" in a popup, but not at all to display the extra info that shows in the profile(last rate date, votes, controversy and whether or not the user viewing it has rated and with what), as that would mean some queries PER POST, which would be too heavy for the server. The average rating is displayed without any extra query, and this is why its "cached" in the user table. But to display the other info, that would need queries.
Well, for the detailed information, It could be on a seperate page. Just for example, "www.mywebsite.com/forums/karma.php?userid=123". This would keep any extra queries contained to a separate page. I know this may be beyond the scope of what your idea/goal of this mod is, but It's worth considering I think to make it a bit more flexible for a variety of situations.