Originally Posted by OS Master
Can you use this with Google Apps?
I'm uncertain, is this another modification offered here? if so, can you please provide a link?
Originally Posted by Piggo
v2.1 looking good, Cyricx.
I did find a little error: when in USERGROUP MANAGER, and "automatically add Instant Notification by Email subscriptions" is set to YES, but no FORUM IDs are selected, the *[ei_auto_sub]* link gives a nasty syntax error.
Noted, I'll program an error message that will stop the save process is that is set to use and forum ids is blank
Originally Posted by dc3dreamer
Got it! Threading works in both directions, with the emailer's and the forum's thread trees being identical, regardless of where a message comes from. The "-t-nnnn" is now gone from the subject line (change to the ei_notify_xxx phrases).
One thing I ran into when posting HTML from T-Bird with Helvetica, Arial set as the default font, I kept getting stray [font=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif] bbcodes in the messages posted in the forum. I found the problem, the "hail mary" cleanup for [font=xxx] needs a space in the character class of its regex. Once I put that in there, the problem disappeared.
Man that message "purty"-fication code is crazy. Well you must have gone crazy getting it to work with the different emailers out there. I don't really even understand some of it :-)
Tomorrow I'll do more testing and I have a few TODOs to pick up, then I'll roll it up and send it along. I need your email address, so I sent you a PM with mine so you can send me a message and I'll have it.
Thanks again!
Yes, I went NUTZ!! I am going to slowly work it into one cleanup if I can.

Your right about the space, that's fixed in my upcoming version as well as I'm doing some code to strip the size bbcode due to there being some confusion for the wysig converter making open size tags without closed tags.
Originally Posted by dc3dreamer
There's an unclosed <a> tag in the ei_notify_xxx phrases for the Replies to this topic link.
I'll check this out now! That may be what was causing the damnable occasional extra ! in some email clients.