just upgraded... works fine..
only 2 little teeny bugs found..
And a little bigger one...
first the small ones:
1.st one:
the report site link doesnt work...
for unregistered users
in acp only the
can report site is enabled for unreg users (can edit etc.. is disabled)
it is clear that it cant work as is.. because there is
no field for email & name etc...
but in that case
the link should not be there...
it does work for regged users...
2. sortof bug
Originally Posted by YukonMaster
Ok, so far I installed and everything seemed to be working normally, before I gave out the link I decided to test it.
So I setup a topsite and added the code on my homepage, but when I click it it constantly redirects...
Try clicking this just to see what it does, http://www.pc-core.net/forum/in.php?id=3
Did I miss something?
Yes I had the same problem on a fresh install...
it is because the toplist_in_redirect_url variable is not set.. thats why i does not appear in the ACP
there are 2 ways to solve the problem.. the first one is the most elegant..
open the database in phpmyadmin
then go to table :
setting (probably
vb_setting if you use a prefix)
there you go to the end of the table to the toplist settings.. and
edit the setting:
toplist_in_redirect_url .
Put in as value:
index.php and as default value also
now save..
go back to your acp.. and there should now be in options a new setting called:
In Redirect URL
You can edit it now to whatever page you want... (I myself redirect users to the portal by putting in the full http adress)
You will not have to change anything when there is an upgrade..
Second Way to fix it quickly if you dont know what phpmyadmin is..
(only do this if you really dont know how to edit the database!!!!)
open template:
and replace with:
Attention when a fix is out.. you will have to revert the template..
Didnt check alle the postings in this thread.. but it seems that there is no setting for that..
OK here the bigger one..
if a user added a site.. he is redirected to the page where he can get his codes.... OK.. works fine
NOW if he is on that page AND refreshes it.. the site is posted again !!
(could make someone flood your list)
A yes and encountered some problems (
broken images) when the user posts a site and does NOT post a banner... (on edit site it still says "button:" with a broken image.. and on the list it tries to show a button.. but as the user has not posted one... its a broken image)
all the rest works great..