Got it! Threading works in both directions, with the emailer's and the forum's thread trees being identical, regardless of where a message comes from. The "-t-nnnn" is now gone from the subject line (change to the ei_notify_xxx phrases).
One thing I ran into when posting HTML from T-Bird with Helvetica, Arial set as the default font, I kept getting stray [font=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif] bbcodes in the messages posted in the forum. I found the problem, the "hail mary" cleanup for [font=xxx] needs a space in the character class of its regex. Once I put that in there, the problem disappeared.
Man that message "purty"-fication code is crazy. Well you must have gone crazy getting it to work with the different emailers out there. I don't really even understand some of it :-)
Tomorrow I'll do more testing and I have a few TODOs to pick up, then I'll roll it up and send it along. I need your email address, so I sent you a PM with mine so you can send me a message and I'll have it.
Thanks again!