On my board, my members always give me a hard time for enforcing the rules, such as banning people. I figured it would be interesting (and humerous, but more to that later) if I was to give them power to ban a user at random, for the amount of days they enter (3 to 30). I called the game Banning Roulette.
I thought it would be interesting to see who would be hypocritical and actually try to use this power to ban somebody. Not only that, but they would be banning somebody for no reason other than their own silly amusements.
So they go to the script, and submit the number of days they wish to play. Upon submitting, they see:And it actually bans them, with a similar reason message.
Anyway, I found it pretty darn funny. I managed to get my other administrator, 3 moderators, and over 100 users (about 200 visit per day), so that's a really high amount.
Most of them are pretty upset now.
Anyone performed anything similar? and, let me know if you guys want me to post the script.